Find a Connect Group

Everybody needs a place to belong. We grow the most within the context of community. That's why we gather in Connect Groups weekly to hang out with Christian friends and encourage each other as we discuss how we can grow in our faith in Jesus. 

Connect Groups are gatherings of 6-12 people who meet weekly to hang out, discuss how they can follow Jesus more, and to pray for one another. Some groups discuss a video, others use a book of the Bible, and others dig deeper into the Sunday morning sermon. If you have questions, check out the Connect Groups FAQ at the bottom of this page.

If you are interested in joining a Connect Group, please fill out the Connect Group Interest form. We will help you find a group that's a good fit for you. You can also sign up on the Connect Card at a Sunday service. If you have any questions, contact

Connect Group FAQs

What is a Connect Group?

A Connect Group is a small community of 6-12 people who meet together once a week to connect with friends, care for each other, and grow in their faith in Jesus. In a group, you will have the opportunity to share your life with fellow Christ-followers and take your walk with Jesus to the next level. We want everyone to be cultivating a greater faith in Him, and have a place to belong. We would love to welcome you into one of our Connect Groups!

When and where do Connect Groups meet?

Connect Groups meet throughout the week on various days, times, and locations. The group host and members decide on a regular time to meet.  There are many groups to choose from based on location and your personal schedule.

How do I get into a Connect Group?

View the Connect Group details (at the top of this page) and email the group host if you are interested in a group. You can also let us know that you are interested in a group using the Connect Group Interest Form, by filling out the Connect Card during a Sunday service, by signing up on My NSC, or at the Community Corner in the lobby during group sign ups in the fall, winter, and spring.

What if I attend a group once and it isn't a good fit?

It's ok! We can help you find a group that is a better fit for you.

Is there childcare available for the Connect Groups?

The childcare arrangement is different for every group. Most groups do not offer childcare, but there are a few that are designed for parents. One way that these groups might provide childcare is to pool their funds to pay for a baby sitter during their Connect Group.

Is there any cost to attend a Connect Group?

For most Connect Groups, there is no cost involved. A handful of groups may have a cost to pay for study materials or childcare.

What is the format for a Connect Group?

Every group is unique, but all of our groups spend some time catching up over refreshments, discussing their faith and the Scriptures, and praying together. The discussion will focus on Sunday's sermon, use a DVD group study curriculum, or a book of the Bible.

How long will the average Connect Group meeting last?

A typical Connect Group meeting usually lasts between 1.5 to 2 hours. However, meeting length is unique for each group. The group host will communicate the length of the meeting to their group.